Tuesday, 13 August 2013


Antony C. Sutton does an excellent job in his book on the Skull & Bones Order in describing how McGeorge Bundy received preferential treatment all through his life. Consistently, McGeorge Bundy got jobs for which there were thousands of better candidates. McGeorge Bundy went to Yale where he was initiated into the Skull & Bones in 1940. McGeorge then went to Harvard. After this McGeorge joined the army as a private. Very few privates ever achieve the rate of promotion that McGeorge received. Within a year after joining as a private, McGeorge was promoted to captain. Not only was he made a captain he was placed on staff to plan the logistics and other details of the invasion of Sicily and the Normandy Invasion. That is honestly fantastic. How can a greenhorn without experience have the experience to know how much supplies, etc. are needed for a certain operation? Bear in mind, that these calculations are for battles in which the wrong combination of supplies could mean death or defeat for a unit. As Sutton points out on pg. 51, "Can a 23-year. old, with no military experience, undertake planning for amphibious operations? The answer is obviously no, even if his father (The Order) is in the Pentagon as an aide to the Secretary of War (The Order)." After the war McGeorge continues his phenomenal climb from job to bigger job, often with no credentials. 1945. He becomes assistant to the Secretary of War and co-authors a book with Stimson.
Then McGeorge without any experience or credentials in economics becomes a consultant to the Economic Cooperation Administration. Then he becomes foreign policy analyst for Presidential candidate Thomas Dewey. Christians may recognize from the instruction that the Bible gives that pride warps our abilities to accurately see. How much pride has been installed in men like McGeorge that they feel comfortable to hop from one unqualified position to another and to make weighty decisions.
1949- Bundy was invited to Harvard University to teach as an assistant professor and in four years is made the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard! How does anyone become Dean of a prestigious University department after four years of teaching. Not only has McGeorge been treated as if he is an instant military genius, an economic whiz, now he is bead of the arts and sciences. Bundy becomes the National Security Advisor. From 1961 to 1966 he is the Special Assistant for National Security Affairs to the President. This gives him great control over what the Presidents are told. For instance on pages 177-178, Sutton quotes a conversation between McGeorge Bundy, Dean Achison (Scroll & Key-another illuminati initiation point), and President Kennedy recorded in a memorandum. President Kennedy is lead to believe that the United States has deserted its ally of Portugal to aid nationalists in Angola, when in fact the US. was supporting Marxist guerrillas (that is communist guerrillas). In 1966, McGeorge was appointed President of the Ford Foundation, another Illuminati foundation that is promoting their agenda. McGeorge brought in Harold Howe II to be Vice. President, a position that Howe was unqualified for, except that Howe was a Skull & Bones brother and was a team player that would help promote the New World Order agenda with its Hegelian philosophy and socialism. Both of the Fords on the Foundation board resigned in disgust at the way these Skull and Boners were using the Ford Foundation. 


  1. Il s’agit d’une invitation ouverte à vous faire partie de la plus grande organisation du monde et à atteindre le sommet de votre carrière. Alors que nous commençons le programme de recrutement de cette année, notre fête de la récolte annuelle est presque à portée de main. Le Grand Maître nous a confié le mandat de toujours rechercher des personnes comme vous. Profitez donc de cette occasion et rejoignez la grande organisation d'Illuminati, rejoignez notre unité mondiale.
    Amener les pauvres, les nécessiteux et les talentueux à la gloire de la gloire et de la richesse. Obtenez de l'argent, la renommée, les pouvoirs, la sécurité, soyez reconnu dans votre entreprise, votre race, montez en grade dans tout ce que vous faites, soyez protégé spirituellement et physiquement! Vous réaliserez tout cela en un clin d'œil. Acceptez-vous d'être membre de ce nouvel ordre mondial Illuminati?
    Numéro WhatsApp: 34612558295
    Email: illuminatiworldofriches637@gmail.com

    Brothers of the world, just as the saying goes 'money makes the world goes round' My aspiration to become rich and famous was on the high side as a result of that I went on the internet to search on how I can be a member of the great Brotherhood of Illuminati. I saw a blog owned by Jay Z where he said 'it's free of charge for those in America to become a member of the brotherhood' so he imputed the direct contact of the Temple Messenger together with the only assigned agent of the brotherhood USA agent Brother James Watt. I contacted agent Brother James Watt on his officials +1(601)228-2602 and he linked me up with the Temple Messenger. So the temple messenger forwarded my application to the Grand Master and I was lucky to be accepted. I was linked to my Initiation God Father (IGF) who made me observed the ten steps of the initiation and I was finally inducted on the 20th night. Today I am proud to say I am a very wealthy, famous and highly protected man. My generation's future have been settled, I am extremely wealthy today is the help of Illuminati. Please if you want to be extremely rich, famous, protected and want a settled generation, or you want to end well in life because you are already rich, and want to protect your investment and future. Please become one of us today and achieve your dreams. You can contact the Illuminati assigned agent on our officials through text message or call +1(601) 228-2602. Then if you are overseas (Not in America) you can contact our internationally assigned agent on this officials through text, call or whatsapp +1(601)228-2602. And if you wish to contact the brotherhood via the email from any part of the world our official email is (theilluminatikingdomforall@gmail.com) I will be glad to meet with you on your induction day I am Brother Caslon Mark, Thank you.

    Brothers of the world, just as the saying goes 'money makes the world goes round' My aspiration to become rich and famous was on the high side as a result of that I went on the internet to search on how I can be a member of the great Brotherhood of Illuminati. I saw a blog owned by Jay Z where he said 'it's free of charge for those in America to become a member of the brotherhood' so he imputed the direct contact of the Temple Messenger together with the only assigned agent of the brotherhood USA agent Brother James Watt. I contacted agent Brother James Watt on his officials +1(601)228-2602 and he linked me up with the Temple Messenger. So the temple messenger forwarded my application to the Grand Master and I was lucky to be accepted. I was linked to my Initiation God Father (IGF) who made me observed the ten steps of the initiation and I was finally inducted on the 20th night. Today I am proud to say I am a very wealthy, famous and highly protected man. My generation's future have been settled, I am extremely wealthy today is the help of Illuminati. Please if you want to be extremely rich, famous, protected and want a settled generation, or you want to end well in life because you are already rich, and want to protect your investment and future. Please become one of us today and achieve your dreams. You can contact the Illuminati assigned agent on our officials through text message or call +1(601) 228-2602. Then if you are overseas (Not in America) you can contact our internationally assigned agent on this officials through text, call or whatsapp +1(601)228-2602. And if you wish to contact the brotherhood via the email from any part of the world our official email is (theilluminatikingdomforall@gmail.com) I will be glad to meet with you on your induction day I am Brother Caslon Mark, Thank you.
